Spartan Listings

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1956 Royal Mansion - $3500.00

Info: Remember when gas was 25 cents, bread was a nickel, men were men, women were barefoot and pregnant, and gay meant you were having a good time? Well, hang it in your heinie, 'cause that ship has sailed. But, you can go back to a simplier time in this 1956 Spartan Royal Mansion. No, it's not fancy by todays standards, but it has all the comforts of home. It has a full size tub, built-in closets and drawers, and we have added a full size water heater, washer and dryer hook-up, roof top air conditioner, and a full size, smooth top range, that stays with the unit. We have lived VERY comfortably in this 45' long trailer every weekend during the summer for the last 30 years. But at some point, ya' gotta move on, and now is our time. For those of you that are Spartan fans, you already know how special this item is, and it is in restorable condition. For those of you that are not familiar with the brand, you can be the envy of all your friends, with this very special trailer.
location: Higginsport, Ohio, along the Ohio River, lot not included
Date ad posted 10/01/08
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